If you’re looking to achieve a lush, green lawn quickly, laying sod is an excellent option. At Grovin, we specialize in providing top-quality sod and grass services to transform your yard into a beautiful landscape. In this post, we’ll explore the many advantages of laying sod and provide essential tips on how to care for it to ensure your new lawn thrives.

The Advantages of Laying Sod

  1. Instant Lawn: Unlike seeding, which can take weeks to establish, sod provides an immediate green lawn. This is ideal for homeowners looking for a quick transformation. With Grovin, you can have a stunning lawn in no time.
  2. Erosion Control: Sod can be particularly beneficial for areas prone to erosion. Its mature root system helps stabilize soil and prevent erosion more effectively than seeds. Grovin’s sod solutions ensure your lawn remains intact and healthy.
  3. Fewer Weeds: Quality sod is grown under controlled conditions, minimizing the presence of weeds. This means less competition for nutrients and water, giving your lawn a healthier start. Grovin’s sod is meticulously maintained to offer you the best results.
  4. Better Water Retention: Sod has a more developed root system than seeded grass, allowing it to retain water more efficiently. This results in a greener, more drought-resistant lawn. Grovin’s sod options are designed to thrive even in challenging conditions.
  5. Reduced Mud and Dust: Since sod is already fully grown, it eliminates the issues of mud and dust that are common with bare soil or seeded lawns. Choose Grovin for a cleaner, more aesthetically pleasing yard.
  6. Usability: A sodded lawn can be used much sooner than a seeded lawn. While you still need to be gentle, you can typically start using your lawn within a few weeks. Grovin ensures your lawn is ready for enjoyment as quickly as possible.

How to Care for Sod

  1. Watering: Proper watering is crucial for sod care. Immediately after installation, water the sod thoroughly to ensure the soil beneath is moist. For the first two weeks, water your sod daily, keeping it moist but not waterlogged. Gradually reduce watering frequency as the sod establishes. Grovin provides detailed watering instructions to ensure your lawn stays healthy.
  2. Mowing: Wait until the sod has firmly rooted into the soil, usually around two to three weeks, before mowing. Set your mower to the highest setting initially to avoid cutting the grass too short. Gradually lower the mower height over subsequent mowings. Grovin’s experts can guide you on the best mowing practices.
  3. Fertilizing: Fertilize your sod approximately six weeks after installation. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to provide essential nutrients. Follow up with regular fertilization according to the type of grass and local recommendations. Grovin offers premium fertilization products and services to keep your lawn nourished.
  4. Weed Control: Monitor your sod for weeds and remove them promptly. Avoid using herbicides until the sod is well-established, typically after about three months. When needed, use a selective herbicide that targets weeds without harming your grass. Grovin’s weed control services ensure your lawn remains pristine.
  5. Aeration: Aerate your lawn once a year to improve soil structure and promote healthy root growth. Aeration helps alleviate soil compaction and allows water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots more effectively. Grovin provides professional aeration services to enhance your lawn’s health.
  6. Traffic Management: Limit heavy foot traffic on your new sod for the first few weeks to allow the roots to establish. Once established, your lawn will be more resilient and able to handle regular use. Grovin’s team can advise you on the best practices for managing your lawn’s use.


Laying sod offers numerous advantages, including immediate results, erosion control, and better water retention. With proper care and the expert services of Grovin, your sodded lawn can thrive and provide a beautiful, green space for years to come. Remember to water appropriately, mow at the right height, fertilize, control weeds, aerate, and manage traffic to keep your lawn in top condition.

For more expert tips on lawn care and sod installation, contact Grovin today to learn more about our sod and grass services and start enjoying the lawn of your dreams.