Florida Sod Installation: Why You Need to Plan Ahead

With the new construction industry booming in Florida, the need for new sod installation is at an all-time high. If you’re thinking about starting a new construction project, it’s important to plan ahead and budget for sod installation costs.

Sod installation is a necessary part of any new construction project, and the cost of sod installation can vary depending on the size of your project, how early you plan ahead, and the type of sod you choose. So, to make sure you get exactly what you need, here are some tips to help you plan ahead and budget for your new sod installation.

Flexibility is Key

Sod is one of the few perishable products in the construction industry. This will give you the best chance of getting high-quality sod at a lower price. If you’re not able to schedule your sod installation early, be prepared to pay a bit more for premium sod.

When construction delays do occur, sod installers must find a new installation date that works with both the construction schedule and the sod farm’s harvesting schedule. This process can often be time-consuming and frustrating, so it’s important to be as flexible as possible when scheduling your sod installation.

Be Prepared for the Worst

No matter how well you plan, there’s always a chance that something can go wrong. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for the worst when it comes to your sod installation.

Be sure to have a backup plan in place in case your sod installation is delayed or canceled due to weather or construction issues. It’s also a good idea to have a contingency budget in place in case you need to purchase new sod or make other

The Weather is Always a Factor

Florida’s weather can be unpredictable, which can impact the quality of sod. For the best results, try to schedule your sod installation for early in the spring or fall when the weather is cooler and more predictable.

If you’re unable to schedule your sod installation during the spring or fall, be sure to order premium sod that’s been grown in a controlled environment. This type of sod is typically more expensive, but it’s worth the investment if you want to ensure a high-quality sod installation.

Buy Direct From a Sod Farm

When you hire a landscaper to install your sod, you’re essentially paying a middleman for their services. To save money on your sod installation, try to buy your sod directly from a local sod farm.

This can be a bit more work than hiring a landscaper, but it’s worth it if you’re looking to save money on your new sod installation. Plus, buying Sod directly from a farm gives you the opportunity to select the specific type of sod that you want, which is important if you’re looking for a specific look or feel for your new construction project.

How to Find a Direct-Sale Sod Farm in Florida

To help guide your search for the best deals and choices on sod, here are some tips on how to find the best sod farm for your needs:

  • Check with your local chamber of commerce. They may have a list of local sod farms that sell directly to consumers.
  • Ask around. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors to see if they know of any good sod farms in the area.
  • Do some research online. A quick Google search should help you find a few sod farms in Florida that sell directly to consumers.
  • Visit a local nursery or garden center. They may have information on local sod farms that sell directly to customers.

Once you’ve found a few potential sources for your new sod, it’s time to compare prices and selection. Be sure to ask about delivery charges, as these can vary significantly from one farm to the next.

You should also inquire about the different types of sod that are available. Some farms specialize in specific types of sod, such as St. Augustine grass or Bahia grass. Others may have a more diverse selection of sod types to choose from.

Questions to Ask Before Contacting the Farm

It is important you do some research before you contact the farm. The reason is if you just ask what they recommend, they will recommend their best-selling sod, which may not be right for your needs. Research your options based on:

  • Your location – If you live in areas of Florida that are prone to flooding or have very sandy soil, certain types of sod may not be a good option for you.
  • The sun and shade ratio your yard gets – Different types of sod require different amounts of sunlight. Be sure to ask about this when you’re comparing sod types.
  • Your budget – Sod can be expensive, so be sure to compare prices before making your final decision.
  • Your soil – The quality of your soil will determine how well the roots take hold. If your soil is sandy, for example, you may need to add compost to help the roots take hold. If it is heavier soil with clay, you may need to add sand.
  • The type of traffic your lawn will get – If you have kids or pets that play on the lawn, you’ll want to choose a type of sod that can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
  • Irrigation needs – Different types of sod have different irrigation requirements. Be sure to ask about this when you’re comparing sod types.
  • Maintenance schedule – Some types of sod require more maintenance than others. Be sure to ask about this when you’re making your decision.
  • Pest resistance – If you live in an area that is prone to pests, you’ll want to choose a type of sod that is resistant to them.

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you should have a good idea of the type of sod that will work best for your needs. Be sure to ask about delivery charges and minimum order quantities when you’re comparing prices. If you’re in need of sod installation for new construction in Florida, reach out to us! At Grovin Farms, we offer a variety of sod installation services in Florida to meet your needs. Contact us today for a free estimate!