If you’re looking for the right type of sod for your yard, you’ve come to the right place. At Grovin Farms, we offer multiple varieties of sod for you to choose from. Two popular options for Florida lawns include Bahiagrass and St. Augustine. If you’re wondering which is right for your yard, keep reading to find out more about these popular varieties.

Choosing the Right Sod Variety

When you’re looking for the right sod, the number of varieties available can be overwhelming. Choosing the right sod can be difficult, but the experts at Grovin Farms can help. Here are two popular varieties of sod that we offer to our Florida clients. Both varieties grow well in the Florida heat and can take on whatever Florida weather may bring. 

What is Bahiagrass?

Bahiagrass is a low-maintenance, hardy grass that forms an extensive, deep root system. This variety maintains itself better than other grasses in fertile soil, sandy soil, clay, and muck soil. Bahiagrass does not require a lot of water or fertilizer, making it great for large yards and places where there is no irrigation system. Bahiagrass requires full to the moderate sun, making it perfect for Florida yards that don’t have much shade. During the winter or drought, Bahiagrass goes into a drought-induced dormancy, turning brown until conditions are favorable for regrowth. After conditions become favorable again, Bahiagrass turns into a luscious green color. During the growing season, Bahiagrass will need to be mowed every 7-14 days at a height of 3 to 4 inches. 

Specifications of Bahiagrass

  • Dark blue-green color
  • Full/moderate sun
  • Deep root system
  • Low-maintenance
  • Relatively dense

Advantages of Bahiagrass

  • Great for large yards
  • Requires less water and fertilizer than other varieties
  • Does not require much maintenance
  • An extensive root system makes it hard to kill
  • Grows in a variety of soil types
  • Drought-induced dormancy saves grass during difficult conditions.

What is St. Augustine Grass?

St. Augustine sod thrives in the Florida heat, but is also shade, cold, and frost tolerant. It has a coarse texture with thicker blades, making your yard look like a lush landscape. St. Augustine turns brown in the fall and will take a bit longer to turn green again in the spring. It does require slightly more maintenance than grass varieties like Bahiagrass but will create a dense ground covering when maintained properly. St. Augustine is the perfect variety to plant in yards that have more shade, such as a backyard full of trees. That is because St. Augustine is shade resistant, not requiring full sun in order to grow into a beautiful yard. During the growing season, we recommend mowing St. Augustine every week to a height of 2.5-3 inches. 

Specifications of St. Augustine Grass

  • Dark green color
  • Requires regular watering and fertilizer
  • Cold and frost tolerant
  • Dense, coarse texture
  • Shade/partial sun is OK

Advantages of St. Augustine Grass

  • Does not require full sun in order to grow
  • Creates a dense, full landscape
  • Cold and frost tolerant to last through a freeze
  • Popular in Florida because it thrives in the heat
  • Beautiful dark green color

Grovin Farms Sod Installation in Florida

If you’re considering installing St. Augustine, Bahiagrass, or another variety of sod in your yard, Grovin Farms can help. We specialize in every aspect of sod growing. From seed to installation, we make sure to deliver only the highest quality sod to Florida residents. At Grovin Farms, we believe that sustainable agriculture is necessary for every property, both now and for the future. Contact us today to request a quote and see what the sod experts at Grovin Farms can do to help create a beautiful, luscious yard that complements your home.