Grovin Construction is 600 acre family owned and operated sod farm, land clearing and site development enterprise located just 20 miles east of Gainesville and the mighty University of Florida, go Gators! In addition to selling sod, our site development division offers an array of services like land clearing, forestry mulching, tree removal, excavation, land leveling, grade work, driveway and culvert installation and barn and house pad construction. Using only the latest in machinery and technology, we aim to bring precision land management to the land owners of North Central Florida and sod services to residential and commercial customers alike.
Enthusiasm is contagious! We are excited about every opportunity and aspire to be a source of encouragement and support for all. No matter what, our team is committed to treating our customers with the highest level of courtesy and professionalism.
Collaboration is the key to our success and directly tie to the ability to get along and work well with others. This is a team sport. Clients consider us part of their team and we view them as part of ours. When they win, we win – that is the true measure of our success.
Impressing our clients is what inspires us to work hard. We never stop thinking about ways to deliver the unexpected – that thing we do that they will always remember. Grovin Construction strives everyday to provide a level of care that sets us apart from everyone else.
We are innovators! If there is a better way to do something, we’ll find it. Just because something has always been done one way, doesn’t mean we can’t find a way to do it better. The only limitations to our success is self - imposed, which is why we never stop looking for the next great thing.
In business and in life, change is good and necessary to grow. We are risk - takers, always willing to try new things and unafraid to make mistakes. Adversity makes us wiser and innovation inspires growth.