Learning how to lay sod is no easy task. If you have an entire yard to re-sod, you should consider local landscape professionals who have an experienced crew for hire. With that said, if you have an area you need to replace some sod and feel up to this DIY task, these are Grovin’s top tips for how to lay sod successfully!


1. Measure The Area’s Square Footage

Figure out how many square feet (SF) of sod you’ll need prior to purchase. Most sod companies offer pricing by the pallet. The square footage on each pallet also varies by company, but most will offer 400 SF or 450 SF pallets of sod.

Remember, to find the square footage, measure the area: length x width = SF. If your square footage falls between pallet numbers, round up to have extra. Some pieces of sod may fall apart and that way you can be choosy with which pieces you install if necessary. If you have several smaller areas that’s challenging to measure, start with fewer pallets and see how far that gets you. You can always go back and get more sod but most likely cannot return it once it’s purchased. 


2. Decide What Type of Sod You Need.

There are many pros and cons to local Floridian sod options that are available on our website. You should consider the following when you choose which sod is right for your project

What type of grass do you have already? If you’re not sure, do some research. Are the blades thicker or thinner? Do seeds grow from the top when you don’t cut it regularly? If you still aren’t sure what you have, bring a small cut to your local sod company for further assistance.

Do you have an irrigation system? If so, any grass type should thrive in otherwise normal conditions. If you don’t, perhaps look into a variety that is drought resistant. If you still like the look of a more high maintenance grass variety, you can still utilize those grass types. But be ready to hand water or use a sprinkler especially in the warmer months!

Do you have areas that are primarily shaded throughout the day? For example, areas under a large tree. If you have an area that does not see any sunlight, grasses of any variety will not grow there. Grovin recommends the addition of mulch, rock, or other ground cover options to give your landscape a finished look, while also adding an appealing aesthetic. If the area does see some daylight, consider a shade tolerant grass variety.


3. Read Reviews and Get References. 

We go back to the timeless expression, “you get what you pay for”. When it comes to some of the natural grass varieties- such as Bahiagrass, Bermuda, and other varieties grown from seed, there is a large variance in quality. 

If the price sounds like the deal of a lifetime, there is usually a reason. Sometimes you’ll find less expensive grass is cut from cow pastures. This means the sod is not weed treated, not fertilized, and whatever the cows leave behind on the grass could end up on your front lawn! 

You can prevent this misstep by doing your due diligence. Grovin takes the time to answer any questions our customers have and make the sod purchase process as transparent and seamless as possible.


4. Acquire Proper Transportation.

Some companies will deliver the sod to your house, but be certain to ask in advance. If you need to pick it up yourself, ask how much a pallet weighs and be prepared with a truck or trailer bed. Additionally, a wheelbarrow is helpful to have on hand, especially if you have a fence or other tight areas you cannot drive a vehicle directly through. 


5. Prepare the Area For Installation. 

Some grass varieties are more finicky than others. Even with lower maintenance grasses there are methods to install sod pieces so they look their best, especially when you’re spot patching a pre-existing yard. Ask the farm or nursery you’ve purchased from how to lay sod. After all, they’re most familiar with their specific grasses and can recommend best practices when it comes to installation prep. 


For more information on how to purchase sod, how to lay sod, or have a crew assist you- reach out to Grovin Farms today!